Welcome to the Penn Kidder Campus Page!
Thank you for visiting our page! We serve Kindergarten through eighth grade, house an intermediate unit classroom and a Pre-K Counts program at Penn Kidder. We provide our students with excellent engaging instruction throughout the day. Our students receive stimulating learning opportunities to develop socially, academically, and emotionally. Through the district’s Project OLE, a one-to-one initiative, students are assigned iPads to enhance 21st-century learning.
We provide a secure, safe climate that ensures lifelong learners for our global community. Our instruction is guided by state and district standards while allowing our staff opportunities to teach relevant topics in the classroom. Our assessments are ongoing and used to monitor and drive instruction. Our core belief is that “All Children Can and Will Learn.”
Our staff looks forward to partnering with every family to develop and guide a successful educational journey for each student.
School Office Hours
School Year: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Summer Months: Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Please visit our Daily Bulletin or the PK Facebook Page for the latest news and announcements.
School Year Schedule & Information
Please adhere to the following information to ensure a safe and successful environment.
School Hours for Students
Student Day: 8:35 AM - 3:35 PM
Classes Begin: 8:35 AM
Parent/Bus Drop Off: 8:10 AM
Breakfast: 8:10 - 8:35 AM
Present, not late or tardy: Students must be in the building by 8:35 AM If your child arrives after 8:35, you MUST accompany him to the office.
Parent Pick-up: Begins at 3:10 PM
Bus Departure: Begins at 3:20 PM
ALL students, K-8 must attend school regularly. Be at the bus stop on time and remain in school all day.
Student Drop Off & Pickup
Do NOT leave students out of cars before 8:10 and do NOT arrive before 2:45 for pickup.
The procedure for student drop-off is to stay in the car line and pull up to the designated drop-and-go area. Drop your student off and continue in a horseshoe turn, then leave by staying in line.
Do NOT block the driving lanes where buses enter the lower parking lot or the driving lanes or parking areas in the rear of the building.
We ask parents to help safely expedite student arrival by preparing your students to leave the vehicle as soon as you stop in the drop-and-go area. Say your goodbyes before leaving home. Do not linger in the area. Lingering is not fair to other parents.
Do not cut others off or make a short turn to beat others out of the area. The safety of all is our main concern! If you choose to violate these regulations, and an accident occurs, you will be held accountable. If a child is injured due to your lack of patience, you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Bus Arrival
Buses will be dropping students off in the front of the building in the lower parking lot. Vans will be using the circle area.
Student Dismissal
Please arrive NO EARLIER than 2:45 and wait in your vehicle in the line. When parents arrive too early, instruction is disturbed. The school uses PICK UP Patrol to manage the parent pickup process.
Please plan changes in routine with your child before the school day begins. If an emergency occurs during the day, please notify the office as soon as possible. When parents/guardians show up at the end of the day without notice, it compromises our ability to keep a close count of the students.
The office is busy at the end of the day; please do not call with messages for students after 2:45 PM.